Welcome to Shannah & Phil’s Online Dance Club
Welcome to Shannah and Phil’s Online Dance Club page (where members are affectionately known as SPODDERS!!). We would like to thank you for joining our online community, it not only gives you access to more content, but also crucially supports our future development.
This is a private area of the website which opens up certain features that are not available on public view. Please explore the videos, join our Facebook members group and let us know of any dances/technique you would like us to cover in the future. Our aim is to offer a live teach at least once a month.
We look forward to dancing with you all very soon, where it be via a live feed or on a real dance floor!
Kindest regards,
Shannah and Phil
Dec/Jan 2025 live sessions (7pm)
Friday 13th December – GUCCI SWING A teachthrough of the new Gucci Swing sequence dance https://youtube.com/live/eT1jM2QbuAk
Friday 20th December – CHRISTMAS CRACKER CHA – A teachthrough of the fun party Cha Cha, the Christmas Cracker https://youtube.com/live/CBtlhCKZ558
Friday 17th January – BRITANNIA TANGO – A teachthrough of the Classical Sequence Tango from 2018. https://www.youtube.com/live/wHERYG-ZC4w
Friday 31st January – NCDTA WINNER – A teachthrough of one of the winners from the upcoming NCDTA Inventive competition https://www.youtube.com/live/ksb6F8QgDUs
What’s New (Sequence videos from last 12 months)
Feta Foxtrot Walkthrough https://youtu.be/SST9_U3A6Sg
Feta Foxtrot to Music https://youtu.be/0tDAPtq_vZo
Invitaton Swing Walkthrough https://youtu.be/GeXjXQcg5O0
Invitation Swing to Music https://youtu.be/jDuD3PK8NI0
Roku Rumba Walkthrough https://youtu.be/cRKqdbmpCp0
Roku Rumba to Music https://youtu.be/IDU3VtU53bs
Napoli Blues Walkthrough https://youtu.be/5Fkg2fGRFIU
Napoli Blues to Music https://youtu.be/XeFqykWeWpM
Orchid Foxtrot Walkthrough https://youtu.be/DXi7csqNbC4
Orchid Foxtrot to Music https://youtu.be/08Y7hiny6uI
Paso La Paz Slow Motion Walkthrough https://youtu.be/se_-65U10ZQ
Paso La Paz to Music https://youtu.be/Pb8ecmuAM54
Dalesway Waltz Slow Motion Walkthrough https://youtu.be/1lonKN83xHc
Dalesway Waltz to Music https://youtu.be/bWatBLnWtgs
The Metronome Walkthrough https://youtu.be/m8575c-UMOY
The Metronome to Music https://youtu.be/JbLl1mOHZ3s
Louboutin Red Rumba Walkthrough https://youtu.be/UZ619fEntiI
Louboutin Red Rumba to Music https://youtu.be/g8yt3gNzG7g
Emma’s Waltz Slow Motion Walkthrough https://youtu.be/97-8QEgati0
Emma’s Waltz to Music https://youtu.be/VJ9Q3AQETjU
Sunday’s Saunter Walkthrough https://youtu.be/8w3W87Lm3-E
Sunday’s Saunter to Music https://youtu.be/t21ZqCvfKhA
Equinox Tango Slow Motion Walkthrough https://youtu.be/cC2ea29n5a8
Equinox Tango to Music https://youtu.be/uO3vpllpYuc
Apollo Jive Walkthrough https://youtu.be/QeS-T33iJ0Y
Apollo Jive to Music https://youtu.be/_k1sI9SHKuI
Southbank Saunter Walkthrough https://youtu.be/C4NOpPWCGWw
Southbank Saunter to Music https://youtu.be/cqkTsFmO__s
Mayfair Mambo Walkthrough https://youtu.be/Nmfh3h5dm0o
Mayfair Mambo to Music https://youtu.be/dOeHq2jSKqw
Formula Foxtrot Walkthrough https://youtu.be/oUVynbLc4vM
Formula Foxtrot to Music https://youtu.be/E7NjCayzKdU
Siena Jive Walkthrough https://youtu.be/xFBzEQ4Hi5Q
Siena Jive to Music https://youtu.be/UGHOTG8Ss30
Nancy’s Waltz Walkthrough https://youtu.be/rrDM0wb6aqc
Nancy’s Waltz to Music https://youtu.be/6EIaBtTR0m8
Souter Swing Walkthrough https://youtu.be/rrDM0wb6aqc
Souter Swing to Music https://youtu.be/v7F7_cft9GQ
Chicago Swing Walkthrough https://youtu.be/Sovr8IlzKno
Chicago Swing to Music https://youtu.be/Bngr_AtDujk